Have Twins, Will Travel

New York City, baby

New York, New York – This year, we splurged a little on our annual trip to the Big Apple. Okay, we splurged a lot.

We splurged a little when we rented an apartment on the Upper West Side, one block from Central Park and one block from Auntie’s apartment. (We have to sleep somewhere–it might as well be within striking distance of our main destinations.)

We splurged a lot when we bought tickets to see the Lion King on Broadway. This, we justified by vowing to eat hot dogs all weekend.

After our first day in NYC, we are on track. As in years past, we spent the entire day in Central Park – climbing rocks, playing with Auntie’s dog, watching breakdancers and riding bikes (all free). And yes, eating hot dogs.


Twins eat hot dogs in Central Park