Northborough, Massachusetts – On a picture-perfect sunny Saturday, we took the twins to the strawberry patch. As I have written about before, we have had some success with apple picking and blueberry picking, so why not strawberries?
The twins were willing, especially when I promised them we could use the berries to make strawberry ice cream. I am not above bribery.
Unfortunately, we were not the only family with this brilliant idea. And we are not early risers. By the time we arrived, the strawberry patch was pretty well picked over.
Our CSA with Red Fire Farm allows us free strawberries from their farm in Granby. But once we realized that would be a 90-minute drive each way, we decided to suck it up and pay good money to pick the berries at Tsougas Family Farm. Not only is it closer, they also have a playground and a petting zoo. Worth every penny.

But this did not deter the twins, who were enthusiastically examining berries, transporting boxes and rearranging the flags that were meant to indicate where to pick and where not to pick. They were so organised and we actually managed to pick quite a lot of berries. They were entertained ? and even sort of helpful?! ? and Daddio and I managed to score almost 7lbs of berries. Next time, we’e going to come a little earlier and might even bring farm wagons to transport and carry our berries so that we can pick much more.
Afterwards, the twins enjoyed some quality time feeding grass to the baby goats and playing on the playground. Then everybody got strawberry smoothies for the ride home so they wouldn’t fall asleep in the car. (Of course, when we got home they were way too wired to nap anyway; so it’s anybody’s guess why I put so much effort into keeping them awake in the car.)
That night, the twins devoured strawberries and cream like it was crack cocaine. The next day I made Daddio strawberry shortcake for Father’s Day. During the week, the babysitter gave the twins strawberry milk (just like Nestle Quick, except made with real strawberries and real milk!). And finally, the ice cream.
Not even one week later, and the 7lbs of berries are nearly gone. So how about heading back to the strawberry patch on Saturday?
Here’s where I get to use Twin V’s new favorite expression: No way!
We already lived in a pink house ? now this is getting ridiculous.