Have Twins, Will Travel

About Mara

Mara Vorhees is a travel writer and a mother of twins. She writes mostly for Lonely Planet, including guidebooks about Belize, Costa Rica, Poland and Russia, as well as her home in New England. This is her blog about her adventures and misadventures traveling with twins in tow.


I was a travel writer for ten years before I had twins (BT). It was a blast. I sailed the Baltic Sea, rode the Trans-Siberian Railroad and cycled the Elephant Highway. I authored dozens of guidebooks for Lonely Planet, including guides to Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Morocco, Poland and Russia. I also wrote – and continue to write – a lot about New England, which is where I live.



It will come as no surprise to parents that my life changed dramatically when my boys were born in May 2010. Actually, the first jolt came a few month earlier, when I found out I was pregnant with twins. At that time, I was signed up for a gig in Brazil, which would have occurred during the sixth month of my pregnancy. When I asked my OB if he thought I should do it, the normally humorless doc had a good laugh. I think his precise words were “You’re going to be huge by then.”

He was right, of course.


I have never been sure about the logistics or even the feasibility of juggling motherhood with a travel writing career. But I vowed to give it a try. Because I love traveling too much to give it up. And I love my kids too much to do it without them (at least all the time).

Every new destination presents a new set of challenges, as does every new age for my children. But each trip has exposed us and enriched us in ways that just don’t happen at home. There are always horrible moments and there are always wonderful moments; but somehow the horrible moments seem inconsequential later on, while the wonderful ones endure as transforming and amazing memories.

I hope this site inspires you to travel with your children. But I’m not an expert. I seek out just as much advice as I give, if not more. I hope you will get in touch to share your experiences traveling with your kids (good and bad!) so we can learn and laugh and commiserate and celebrate together.

062ac066That’s Twin V on the left and Twin S on the right. The photographer is my most faithful travel companion, best known around our house as Daddio.