Concord, Mass – On April 19, 1775, the first skirmish of the American Revolution took place at dawn on Lexington Green. Afterwards, British soldiers marched to Concord, where they faced a militia of Minute Men, who eventually chased them back to Boston. The British Regulars’ route between Lexington and Concord is now known as Battle Road, a nine-mile trail that is part of the Minute Man National Historic Park.

Battle Road is an outdoor history museum that remembers the drama and preserves the buildings and even marks some of the graves. But it is also a lovely nature trail, wonderful for walking, running or cycling.
Cycling the Battle Road is my favorite way to get to Concord when I have time to spare. Upon arrival, I treated myself to the Thursday special at the Concord Cheese Shop: Phil’s Phabulous. And let me tell you, it really is phabulous.