Have Twins, Will Travel

Lego Shop

Venice, Italy – The first thing the twins noticed on our street, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, was a tabacchi (tobacco) shop. But we’ll call it the “Lego Shop.” The Lego Shop window features a detailed Lego model of Piazza San Marco, as well as a larger scale model of the Palazzo Ducale. The twins were impressed.

Inside, there were more delights for 8-year-old Master Builders. The shop owner Steve is obviously a Master Builder and Lego fiend himself, as there are many original creations on display. (“You should see the back room,” he teased.)

He has created the brand Idea to market and distribute one original creation, a Lego gondola and gondolier. We learned that you can find these all over Venice, but it all started right here.

The other brilliant thing about the so-called Lego Shop is the wall of mini-figures, also created by Steve (and for sale for €3 each). Alternatively, he’s got zillions of pieces on hand, so patrons can create their own (also €3).

This shop is about one minute away from our apartment. I think Steve is going to get to know these boys pretty well.

14 thoughts on “Lego Shop

  1. Rosalie Monaco

    Good day ,
    I am interested in the Venice Gondola kit. Can you ship to the United States . How much does it cost ?
    Thank you

      1. Alice

        During myjourney on june 2019, I noticed a big box lego funfair
        I can’t get in France
        I took a picture of the lego number but lost it
        Have you got a mail contact with this shop please ?

      2. Reg

        I have a friend who saw this Lego set but forgot to return to buy. If possible can you send any details so that I can surprise her when I visit Copenhagen.
        I would like 2 if the shop has them as I can add it to my own collection. I saw a model of the two towers in Bologna & they were amazing. But sadly not for sale.
        Best wishes & Regards
        Reg G Brailey

    1. Mara Vorhees Post author

      Thanks for reading, Nadine. I have sent you an email in reply to your question. Happy travels!

  2. Amanda

    Hi we are in Venice now and would love to find this shop. Please could you send me details. Many thanks for sharing your find.

  3. Anna Pfeiffer

    Hi Mara,

    I’m looking for the Gondola kit for my brother. He would love to get one. Would you be so kind to contact the shop owner for me? Do you think shipping to Germany is possible?

    Thanks a lot and happy travels,
