Bahía Drake, Costa Rica – Our final days in Costa Rica were packed with snorkeling, ziplining, and more. And now, we are ready to go home.
Isla del Caño
After days of downpour, the weather finally cleared enough for us to take a trip with Drake Divers to Isla del Caño, a small island and ecological preserve. The attraction is not the island itself, but rather the surrounding waters which are replete with dolphins, whales, sea turtles, sharks, and loads of fishes. Lack of river runoff means that visibility is good, even following heavy rains.
The guys spent the morning snorkeling while I was diving, which was challenging for Daddio. The twins are good swimmers but they had trouble with their masks and the current was strong and it sounds like it was trickier than I had hoped (reminiscent of previous experiences, which I wrote about here and here). Next time I think I will stick with the family, for added parental support. (But what an amazing day of diving! Two kinds of sea turtles, sharks, a sea horse… Loved it!)
Corcovado Canopy Tour

Our first attempt to go ziplining at Corcovado Canopy Tour was a bust, because the storm downed one of the lines. (These things happen in the rainforest.) Anyway, it was for the best, because Twin V wasn’t feeling well that day.
Alas, I wasn’t feeling well the next day. But Daddio took the boys back to try again. By all accounts, they had a blast. For the first time, Twin S was able to zip by himself which was quite a thrill. V was still not quite heavy enough for most of the runs, so he went with a guide. But both boys came home happy. It was a perfect cap to our trip.
Homeward Bound
And now this adventure is coming to an end, as we fly back to San José and on to Boston. Adiós, mi amada Costa Rica. Hasta la proxima!