Have Twins, Will Travel

The Dropsical Woman

Paris, France – Anyone who read The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure knows that the Dropsical Woman – masterpiece by Gerrit Dou – used to hang in the Louvre in the Salon Carré alongside the Mona Lisa. Now, the Dropsical Woman is back with the rest of the Dutch collection.

The Dropsical Woman by Gerrit Dou

Also on display: the painted chassis (doors that viewers opened to reveal the painting).

Chassis for the Dropsical Woman by Gerrit Dou

Besides the Dropsical Woman, the Louvre has quite a collection! This is the best collection of Dou paintings we have seen in one place – even better than the Rijksmuseum. My co-author was in heaven.

And the twin-agers? They humored us for a while. Then they went off to explore the Louvre on their own, and V got lost. Then they speed-ran the Egyptian collection. And then V declared that art is overrated. So, yeah.