Lyon, France – I took myself on a tour of the traboules of Vieux Lyon. They are “secret” covered passageways that connect streets, buildings and courtyards, often on different levels. I read they were built as far back as the 4th century to give people easy access to the river. During WWII the Resistance used the traboules of Vieux Lyon to get around the city undetected. Apparently there are hundreds of them around the city, but most are on private property and now closed to the public. But I found a few!
I was disappointed that the twin-agers did not want to come with me to investigate the traboules of Vieux Lyon. Then I was relieved that they didn’t come with me, since the traboules were hard to find and many were inaccessible.
Later that evening, we were walking to dinner at the delightful Maison Cobalte. The Google-maps route led us right through a traboule between two unassuming streets in the Croix-Rousse.
I pretended I led them there on purpose. The twin-agers pretended not to be impressed.