Have Twins, Will Travel


Xpujil, Mexico – I had a run-in with some angry hornets today (reminiscent of our pandemic roadtrip, when V was attacked by hornets during a hike in the Berkshires… good times).

I was on my way to wonderfully remote Maya ruins at Hormiguero. (Hormiguero means “anthill” which I find just a little misleading.)

A ways before the entrance, I came across a somewhat derelict bathroom. It felt like the middle of nowhere, and I thought this might be the only toilets for the site, so I stopped. Much to my surprise, some mean hornets were guarding that bathroom. Yikes. They got me in three places, including my scalp. (I think that guy was caught in my hair, so no wonder he stung me.)

I probably looked pretty ridiculous jumping around, shaking my head and cursing at the top of my lungs, but there was not a soul to see it.

But I did solve an age-old mystery. If a woman gets stung by hornets in the forest, does it make a noise? Yes, yes, it does.

And for future reference, there is a nice clean, bug-free bathroom at the actual entrance. Good to know.

Anyway, here are some photos from Hormiguero. (It was worth it.)