Bologna, Italy – We took our guest to Bologna to eat tortellini. We didn’t choose our restaurant well, though, and we were all disappointed with our lunch. Fortunately, there are a few other things going on during Christmas season in…

Bologna, Italy – We took our guest to Bologna to eat tortellini. We didn’t choose our restaurant well, though, and we were all disappointed with our lunch. Fortunately, there are a few other things going on during Christmas season in…
Venice, Italy – Rumor has it that the view from the campanile at San Giorgio Maggiore is even better than from the one at San Marco, as you can see the entirety of Venice in one fell swoop. It was…
Venice, Italy – Obligatory photo on the lion at Piazza San Marco. And yes, a guard did reprimand us for spending too much time on the lion. “You can take one photo, but then he has to get off.”
Venice, Italy – Now that it’s December, the tourists are gone (except for us!), the Venetians are friendlier and it’s safe to go to Piazza San Marco. We took our visitors to the Palazzo Ducale–the Doge’s Palace–for a primer on…
Venice, Italy – The Museo Storico Navale–aka the Naval History Museum–is approximately two minutes away from our apartment. And there is a giant anchor out front marking the entrance. We walk by it nearly everyday. I can’t believe it took…
Venice, Italy – Day two of the Venice Architecture Biennale. Our first visit was fun, but not fun enough that the twins wanted to come back. But I insisted. After all, we started with the less prominent of the two…
Venice, Italy – Since it’s the last week of the Venice Architecture Biennale, we figured we better get on it. And in case you thought that an architectural exhibit is not fun for kids, you’re wrong! This was the offering from Iceland…
Venice, Italy – It’s a long haul out across the Venice lagoon to the island of Burano, famous for cookies and lace-making. We made the trip to catch some color magic.
Venice, Italy – The glassmakers’ workshop in Murano was obviously a hit with the twins, because: fire. (Twin S now asking for a blowtorch for Christmas.) But there’s more fun to be had on the island of Murano. We didn’t…
Venice, Italy – The thing about Venice is that there is an abundance of magnificent churches and Renaissance paintings. The twins love art and architecture as much as the next 8-year-old, but… this isn’t exactly their genre. But that’s what…