Boston, Mass – It has become a tradition to celebrate the twins’ birthday by attending the Big Apple Circus, the awesome one-ring show that sets up on Boston City Hall Plaza every spring. Unfortunately, this year we are going to…

Boston, Mass – It has become a tradition to celebrate the twins’ birthday by attending the Big Apple Circus, the awesome one-ring show that sets up on Boston City Hall Plaza every spring. Unfortunately, this year we are going to…
Boston, Massachusetts – The twins are turning three on Saturday! Twin S is doing his best to get in his fair share of the Terrible Twos before his time is up. But that’s another story. We started the birthday festivities…
New York City – I was grieving after the tragedy on Patriot’s Day. But I could not stand the idea of hanging around Boston and rehashing the horrible events over and over. A 12-block section of the city was cordoned off…