Lincoln, Vermont – Last summer, the twins spent a week hiking and camping in New Hampshire with an Appalachian Mountain Club teen camp. It was a good experience for them, despite the rain, and I thought they would do it…

Lincoln, Vermont – Last summer, the twins spent a week hiking and camping in New Hampshire with an Appalachian Mountain Club teen camp. It was a good experience for them, despite the rain, and I thought they would do it…
Orange, New Hampshire – I love to hike, but everybody knows that I do not know how to camp. And I certainly don’t know how to live out of my backpack for more than a few hours at a time.…
For the fifth year we returned to Ferry Beach family camp in Saco, Maine. The experience has changed as the twins get older, but we love it more than ever. Here’s a reprint of my impressions from our first year.…
Somerville, Mass – A few weeks ago, Twin V was having so much fun playing at the park that he didn’t want to go home. He declared that he and his friends were going to camp out. (Which you can…
Originally posted July 2014. Somerville, Mass – Daddio and I went camping once. It took several tries to set up the tent (borrowed, in our defense) and we never did manage to get the fire lit. Still, we had a fun…
Somerville, Mass – Daddio and I went camping once. It took several tries to set up the tent (borrowed, in our defense) and we never did manage to get the fire lit. Still, we had a fun weekend and it was…
Summer on ever-popular Cape Cod, Massachusetts conjures up images of traffic-clogged streets and jam-packed beaches. “That’s the problem with peninsulas,” lamented Dennis Moran, who drove 320km from Russell, Massachusetts for a week of seaside living. “There’s only one way in…