Stow, Mass – Autumn is in the air, and everybody in the greater Boston area is in a good mood. I thought it was just in the pink house, or maybe on our street, but then I read this hilarious article in The Onion, and I realized this is a seasonal disorder that affects everybody in town.
To celebrate the season, we drove out to our favorite apple orchard at Honeypot Hill. I confess that we have been coming to Honeypot Hill for apples for years – since long before the twins. But now it’s even more fun. What’s so great about it?

Hedge mazes. They say the Green Monster hedge maze is the largest in North America (!). But we stuck to the Mini Monster. Unfortunately I did not get a photo of this because I was too busy trying to keep track of the twins. Upon entering, V took off as fast as he could and the rest of us tore after him. It took us 5 minutes to get to the center and 30 minutes to get out (and we picked up an extra kid on the way).

Even without the caramel, these apples are amazing. We like McIntosh. We did a taste test comparing them to the McIntosh I bought at our local farmers’ market last weekend, and it wasn’t even close. We might have to go back before this season is over.
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