Moscow, Russia–A city that people love to hate. It’s big, crowded and confusing, and people speak Russian there (eye roll). It is often appears near the top of lists of the world’s “unfriendliest cities” and this year it was the world’s second worst city for traffic jams. But residents and Russophiles know that Moscow is also a city that people love to love–at least people in the know. So… do you want to know why I love Moscow?
Read this excerpt from the newest edition of the Lonely Planet Moscow city guide:
Moscow lives and breathes Russian history, from the ancient Kremlin on the city’s founding site, to the ubiquitous legacy of the Soviet period. Yet the history is not staid: on every visit I witness it unfolding in the here and now. The metro expands in every direction. Old factories and power plants are converted into art centres and nightlife hubs. Bans on imported food inspire an innovative locavore movement. The biggest hotel in the world gives way to a “wild urbanism” park. Moscow is unstoppable–and it never ceases to inspire me in some unexpected way.
Mara Vorhees, Lonely Planet Moscow
Ready to start planning your trip to this fantastic city? Buy the guidebook here…