Have Twins, Will Travel

NEW Lonely Planet Guidebooks

Somerville, Mass – The NEW Lonely Planet guidebooks to Moscow and Russia are here, as is the first edition of the brand new Pocket Moscow & St Petersburg guide. This is the culmination of the first half of my summer of 2017. (Read all about it!)


Pocket Moscow & St Petersburg

This cutie covers Russia’s two capital cities in one little book. Brilliant! Not only that, it’s small and handy and fits in your pocket. Genius! Perfect for the first-time visitor who is hitting the highlights. Buy it here.


Lonely Planet Moscow

The Moscow Metro is one of my favorite aspects of the Russian capital, so I was thrilled to see that the new edition features the gorgeous interior of Komsomolskaya station. This comprehensive guide includes a special section on Moscow With Kids (excerpted here from the last edition), among many other fine features. Buy it here.


Lonely Planet Russia

For this tome, I covered Moscow as well as the Kuban Steppe & the Black Sea Coast. This book has it all. First time in Russia? We offer some tips and tricks. Wondering how to get a visa? We will fill you in. Looking for outdoor adventure? We’ve got you covered. Buy it here.


And if you’re wondering how many Lonely Planet writers it takes to write a Russia guidebook, the answer is 12. She’s a big country, folks.

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  1. Pingback: Why I Love Moscow