Somerville, Mass – Here we are, back in the pink house, back to winter, back to reality. Our homecoming brought on many mixed feelings. Here they are: the good, the bad and the beautiful.
The Good
The twins got such a warm welcome back at school. Their teachers and friends were so happy to see them, and they slipped right into their busy social and school lives, hardly missing a beat. On the first day back, V lamented “I had to put up with being a celebrity all day!”
I asked “You didn’t like that?”
He grinned. “Well, I guess it was pretty cool.”
They jumped right back into capoeira and swimming. Academically, they seem to be mostly on track, so we accomplished what we needed to with our world schooling, apparently. And speaking of world schooling, I am done with it! (That was hard. And wonderful. But mostly hard.)
The Bad
Transitions are tough. Usually I am thinking of kids when I make that observation. But I think I am having more trouble with this transition than the twins are. My routine is amiss. I am done with world schooling, but now what? Daddio and I have a hard and fast deadline for our narrative nonfiction book manuscript, but I am struggling to focus and contribute in a meaningful way. So yeah, transitions are tough.
The Beautiful
I knew it would be difficult to return to New England in the middle of winter. The coldest, darkest part of winter, no less. But we had our first sort of snow storm this weekend. And look at how beautiful it is here. Leave it to Mother Nature to make things right.