Somerville, Mass – Way back in 2013, I wrote about embarking on a new project with Daddio. We had this crazy idea to write a book together–not a guidebook, not an academic book, but a narrative nonfiction book. About a shipwreck. In Finland. Seven years later, this project is coming to fruition. In September 2020, Pegasus Books will publish our baby, The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure.
It’s going to be a real book that you can buy at your local bookstore.
Or get out of the library.
We are beyond excited.
Technically, this book has nothing to do with family travel. But personally, it has everything to do with it, as it has motivated our travels not only to Finland, but also to Russia, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. The twins have witnessed every step of the creation of this book, and I hope it will inspire them to continue to travel the world, discover its many treasures, and share their stories.
If you would like to learn more about The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure, click here to explore the book website.
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