Have Twins, Will Travel

Vamos a México

Cancun, Mexico – Now that S & V are twin-agers, I have become acutely aware that my time with them is limited. They are no longer allowed to miss school just so we can go on a family trip. This summer, they will probably get jobs. And even if they don’t have school or jobs, they often have sports practices and other obligations that they don’t want to miss. And in less than four years, they head off to college… Sigh.

With this in mind, I signed on to a gig to update the Lonely Planet guidebook to the Yucatan Peninsula. The kids had two weeks of vacation and we planned to spend them together in Mexico.

Truth be told, I was not going to make money on this job, as it’s expensive to travel to Mexico over the holidays. And Daddio was stressed out due to end-of-semester obligations. But the twin-agers were excited. We have had a couple of great trips with them to Mexico (one of which they remember). And S was psyched to practice his Spanish!

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. We ended up spending the holidays in Michigan with the grandparents, which was meant to be. And I postponed my trip until now. Of course, the twin-agers have to go back to school (as does Daddio), so now I am going to Mexico by myself.

I will miss my guys, for sure. But it’s a lot easier to get my work done when I am by myself. And with one-quarter of the expenses, I might actually make some money off this gig. So, here I go… ¡Vamos a México!