Remember how Daddio and I wrote our first book about a Dutch shipwreck? The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure recounts the story of the Vrouw Maria, a 18th-century merchant ship that was carrying a stash of Dutch masterpiece paintings from Amsterdam to…

Remember how Daddio and I wrote our first book about a Dutch shipwreck? The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure recounts the story of the Vrouw Maria, a 18th-century merchant ship that was carrying a stash of Dutch masterpiece paintings from Amsterdam to…
As I wrote here, The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure came out in the Netherlands in November. It has a different title and a different cover, but it’s the same fascinating story. And the Dutch are loving it. Most recently, the book received a four-star…
Somerville, Mass – Things are starting to get real! Our book, The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure, now has a website AND a few book reviews. Most recently, Jerry and I gave an interview on The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure for the excellent…
Somerville, Mass – What? Why yes, that is Publisher’s Weekly calling our book a “meticulously researched history” and an “intriguing portrait of an art world mystery.” (It doesn’t really rhyme in the review. That was my unintentional poetic flare.) Read…
Somerville, Mass – Way back in 2013, I wrote about embarking on a new project with Daddio. We had this crazy idea to write a book together–not a guidebook, not an academic book, but a narrative nonfiction book. About a…
Amsterdam, Netherlands – Ten days in Europe sans enfants has been wonderful and bizarre. And now… back to reality, which is also wonderful and bizarre, in a different way. Tot ziens, fair city.
Amsterdam, Netherlands – Daddio and I have had some lovely, delicious and romantic dinners while on work-ation (without twins) in Amsterdam. But we are here for more than a week, so we can’t go out for fancy meals all the…
Amsterdam, Netherlands – I know I like to go on and on about how great it is to travel with kids, but you know what? It’s really great to travel without kids. Daddio and I just embarked on a 10-day,…