Somerville, Mass – V’s class is doing a world landmarks project. Each kid chose a landmark building or geographical feature to learn about and create a model of. For some reason, V decided he might choose Machu Picchu for his…

Somerville, Mass – V’s class is doing a world landmarks project. Each kid chose a landmark building or geographical feature to learn about and create a model of. For some reason, V decided he might choose Machu Picchu for his…
Moscow, Russia – So we know the twins are into mummies, but they have never seen a real one. Until now. On this day in history, the twins saw the real and true mummified remains of the founder of the Soviet…
Moscow, Russia – Two more new (old) articles, updated to coincide with the recent release of the Lonely Planet Moscow City Guide. Here’s what I have to say about… Contemporary Creative Moscow While icons and onion domes still have their…
Moscow, Russia – We have Moscow on the brain, apparently. To go along with the release of the new Moscow City Guide, there has also been a flurry of activity on–mostly updating articles (oldies but goodies) from years past.…
Moscow, Russia – The socialist dream has been officially abandoned, but it’s still possible to have fun for free in Moscow. Here are my top picks for spending your time in the Russian capital without spending your money. Read more…