Somerville, Mass – In case anyone is wondering why I have been so quiet lately (anyone? anyone…?) it’s because I have nothing to write about. We haven’t been traveling, even locally. We haven’t been going anywhere, really. Lately, we have…

Somerville, Mass – In case anyone is wondering why I have been so quiet lately (anyone? anyone…?) it’s because I have nothing to write about. We haven’t been traveling, even locally. We haven’t been going anywhere, really. Lately, we have…
Boston, Mass – Fall in New England. Gotta love it.
Boston, Mass – This fall we have become regulars at Monday Playdates at the Museum of Fine Arts. (As I wrote before, I used to go on artist dates, now I go on playdates, it’s all good.) So far, the…
Somerville, Mass – I know I like to go on and on about how artsy and edgy and independent Somerville is. But this week, this happened. And we are beyond excited. Somerville city officials are so stoked that they all…
Somerville, Mass – A brass band marched by, or rather, danced by, followed by a dozen crazy-talented hula-hoopers. Twin V clapped for the flag-waving Veterans for Peace. Twin S got happy feet. Daddio looked at me and shook his head.…
Stow, Mass – A year ago, I posted about our annual trip to Honey Pot Hill apple orchard. I lamented that we did not get any photos of the hedge maze, because I was too busy chasing after Twin V…
Boston, Mass – If you need an inspirational gift for the traveler in your life, how about this gorgeous hardcover picture book covering the world’s Great Escapes? There’s something for everyone… culture, food, romance and, yes, even a section on…
Boston, Mass – Here’s the thing about the New England Aquarium: even though we get in free as members, we still have to pay $22 to park the car. Trying to be a financially responsible person, I had this brilliant…