Stow, Mass – A year ago, I posted about our annual trip to Honey Pot Hill apple orchard. I lamented that we did not get any photos of the hedge maze, because I was too busy chasing after Twin V so he would not get lost forever.

I suppose he just needed some reassurance that we could definitely find our way out. Because as soon as we reached the exit, he declared “Let’s go back in.”
Anyway, despite Twin V’s concerns, we found our way to the center of the maze and we made it back out again, though we did cheat and use the “emergency exit” (not because we couldn’t find our way, but because we didn’t care to listen to our son doubting our navigation skills the whole time).

There is also a little Tunnel Maze, which is recommended for kids age 4 to 10. No parents allowed. Twin S peeked in, but did not get very far. There was nobody else in there, so I peeked in too. I wanted to see if it was actually a maze, or if it was more of a unicursal labyrinth. Once I went in, both twins followed me. We soon discovered it was a maze, with plenty of confusing false pathways and dead ends. The twins thought it was fun, now that we were all in there together. I thought it was claustrophobic. “Let’s go out, guys. Let’s go out. Let’s go out.” Phew.