Sarasota, Florida – Last year we went to JetBlue Stadium in Fort Meyer to see the Red Sox beat the Twins on their first day of spring training. This year, the boys came to us and we watched the Sox vs O’s at Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota.

This was less of a “Red Sox experience” than last year, since we were at the Orioles’ ballpark. Furthermore, all of the players on the field were new recruits so we didn’t recognize anybody. And, the Sox lost.
This did not seem to bother the twins, though. Unlike at JetBlue Stadium, we were able to sit right behind the Sox dugout and get an up-close view of the batters. Best of all, I caught a glimpse of my all-time favorite Red Sox player, Jason Varitek, working with pitchers in the bullpen.

After the game, all the newbies hung around signing autographs for the kids. Who did not mind at all that they had no idea who just signed their ball.