Sarasota, Florida – For years, we have been coming to Sarasota to visit the grandparents, but this is the first time that I learned about the Amish and Mennonite communities that live here. I first learned about the Mennonites years…
Busch Gardens
Tampa, Florida – Now that the twins are amusement park fiends–and they are big enough to ride most rides–we decided it was about time to return to Busch Gardens. (My memories of our first visit are, um, watery.) I thought…
Sarasota Festival of the Arts
Sarasota, Florida – It’s the third week in February, which means it’s time to visit the grandparents in Florida. It is unfortunate that Daddio’s vacation does not overlap with the twins’ vacation, so he does not usually get to come…
Breathe Deep
A St. Lucia resort turns the Caribbean Sea into a yoga studio with its Underwater Breathwork Program. Yoga and scuba diving wouldn’t seem to have much in common, but the two pursuits do share one critical element: controlled breathing. Taking…
Diana’s Baths
North Conway, New Hampshire – Everyone was wiped out from our full day of skiing yesterday. But we wanted to take advantage of the spectacular snowy mountain landscape and get some more outside time, before making the journey home. We…
Black Mountain
Jackson, New Hampshire – We had to brave a snow storm to get here (which seems to be a requirement for everything we do this winter), but we had a super fun day of skiing at Black Mountain in Jackson,…
Historical Novel Society Review
“The combined romance of the ambitious empress, the fate and forays of great art, and the joys of maritime archaeology make this an inspiring, completely riveting read.” Inspiring! Completely riveting! The Historical Novel Society has posted a stellar review of…
Berkshire East
Charlemont, Mass – After an amazing week in Hawai’i, we are back on the East Coast and back to winter weather. Which means we are back to ski season! This weekend we took a trip to ski at Berkshire East…
Tsarina’s Lost Treasure in Paperback
The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure is now available in paperback! Available at your favorite bookstore! Buy the Tsarina’s Lost Treasure in paperback here.