Somerville, Mass – Twin S did a special research project with his class. The teacher assigned each student a dinosaur to research and present their findings at the special event “Jurassic Park”. S was assigned Rhamphorhynchus. Seriously? I can’t even…
Snowy Tree
Somerville, Mass – This is what my favorite tree looks like this morning.
Red Sox Spring Training
Fort Myers, Florida – For Daddio’s birthday we took him to a Red Sox game. Sometimes we take Daddio to a baseball game for Father’s Day, but we usually can’t do it for his birthday in February. But this year,…
Winter Break Escape
Sarasota, Florida – This week the twins joined all of the other grandchildren of Massachusetts, making our annual winter break escape to Sarasota, Florida. I don’t love Sarasota: there are too many strip malls and traffic jams. But how I…
Ski Bradford
Haverhill, Mass – The twins had such a blast skiing in Italy, that I vowed to ski again this winter. After all, we have a lot of winter in New England, so we might as well enjoy it. A few…
The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful
Somerville, Mass – Here we are, back in the pink house, back to winter, back to reality. Our homecoming brought on many mixed feelings. Here they are: the good, the bad and the beautiful. The Good The twins got such…
World Schooling Research Projects
Somerville, Mass – While we were in Italy, I decided that our international experiment in education would benefit from special world schooling research projects — something more formal than our field trips and fun explorations around Italy, but less formal…
Arrivederci, Venezia
Venice, Italy – Arrivederci to this lovely view and all our friends and neighbors on Via Garibaldi. We loved being part of this little neighborhood in Venice. Ciao, Ciao, Alla prossima, Ciao! #Venice
Going Out in Style
Venice, Italy – It’s our last day in Venice and we’re going out in style. I had low expectations but I have to admit that our gondola ride captured the magic and mystery of this fantastic place.
All I Want for Christmas is… More Skiing
Nova Levante, South Tyrol – Twin S barely slept at all last night. He woke up around 1am (shortly after Santa’s visit!) and every hour thereafter, wondering when it would be morning. We finally let the festivities begin at 5am.…