Sitka, Alaska – On our last day, we rallied the troops for one last hike in the wilds of Southeast Alaska. After much hemming and hawing, we opted for the Indian River Trail, which is recommended for its easy terrain…

Sitka, Alaska – On our last day, we rallied the troops for one last hike in the wilds of Southeast Alaska. After much hemming and hawing, we opted for the Indian River Trail, which is recommended for its easy terrain…
Sitka, Alaska – The twins have had their fill of totem poles (since the first totem park back in Ketchikan, realistically). And they used up their patience for history museums pretty quickly as well. So this week when Daddio and…
Sitka, Alaska – We couldn’t leave Alaska without going for a paddle! We saved this adventure for Sitka, as the gorgeous Sitka Sound is strewn with wooded islands and welcoming inlets, all begging for exploration. Sitka Sound Ocean Adventure organized…
Sitka, Alaska – The relationship between the Russians and the Tlingit was complex (which is probably true of all indigenous populations and colonizers). In 1802, the Tlingit drove the Russians away from their original settlement at Old Sitka. But a…
Sitka, Alaska – Foggy day bike ride out to Old Sitka, the site of the original Russian settlement from 1799. The Russians and the Tlingit actually cooperated for several years, but relations were tense. Finally–in retaliation for a bunch of…
Sitka, Alaska – We made it to our last stop, Sitka, the capital of Russian America. Here, more than anywhere, Alaska’s Russian history and heritage are on display. It makes sense that this is where most of our story in…
Juneau, Alaska – When we weren’t busy climbing mountains, hanging out with humpback whales, and exploring glaciers, Daddio and I have spent our time in Juneau doing research for our forthcoming book, The Last Stand of the Raven Clan. This…
What’s in a name? Juneau, Alaska – Apparently, the original Tlingit name for Mendenhall Glacier was Sitaantaagu, or “the glacier behind the town.” My source (Encyclopedia Britannica) says the Tlingit also called it Aak’wataaksit, which means “the glacier behind the…
Juneau, Alaska – The weather finally caught up with us. Good thing we invested in all that rain gear!
Juneau, Alaska – Fabulous day of whale watching in Auke Bay with Harv and Marv’s Outback Alaska. We opted for the smaller boat (six people plus the guide) and it was well worth it. We loved hanging out with the…