Gloucester, Mass – Much of the interior of Cape Ann is wild and undeveloped, partially protected by reservations, but mostly left to the whims of nature and history. This vast territory is known as Dogtown. Little remains from the Colonial-era…

Gloucester, Mass – Much of the interior of Cape Ann is wild and undeveloped, partially protected by reservations, but mostly left to the whims of nature and history. This vast territory is known as Dogtown. Little remains from the Colonial-era…
The map of Boston is a patchwork of oddly shaped and diversely formed districts, a so-called city of neighborhoods. Some were the original pieces of historic Boston, while others were once independent municipalities that were annexed by the larger city. But all…
Boston, Mass – As a pre-Christmas present, Daddio got us tickets to see the incredible magicians Penn and Teller! It’s been a while since we have taken the twins to the theater. (Last time was a special birthday outing to…
Milton, Mass – Every so often, good fortune shines down on the youth of America, and Voting Day (the first Tuesday in November) and Veterans Day (November 11) occur in the same week. In Somerville, there is no school on…
Stow, Mass – Our annual trip to Honey Pot Hill apple orchard is one of our longest-standing fall traditions, which Daddio and I initiated well before we had kids. When the twins were little, we went for the farm animals…
I go head-to-head with my Chicago-based colleague, debating which city is best to visit, Boston vs Chicago. “I am a Midwesterner by birth and a New Englander by choice, so I feel well qualified to weigh in here. And considering…
Some cities run on money, while others run on politics, but Boston runs on learning. Ever since Harvard College was founded in 1636, a cool 140 years before the US became a nation, Boston’s higher education institutions have been the…
A small peninsula jutting into the harbor, Boston’s North End is one of the city’s oldest and most storied neighbourhoods. Puritans from England settled the area, followed by waves of other European immigrants whose red-brick homes still crowd the narrow,…
Worcester, Mass – I read with skepticism and curiosity about the revival taking place in Worcester. Apparently this gritty city is currently one of the hottest spots in the Commonwealth, thanks to a revitalization of the old Canal District. And…
From the New England Aquarium and Museum of Science to the Boston Harbor islands, local expert Kelley Heyworth shares her picks of the city’s best experiences with children. Welcome to Boston, Massachusetts: hotbed of history, artistic capital, higher education hub…