Have Twins, Will Travel


Vrouw Maria and the Lost Treasure of Catherine the Great
Vrouw Maria and the Lost Treasure of Catherine the Great

Vrouw Maria and the Lost Treasure of Catherine the Great

TODAY is the day that readers all over Finland finally get their long-awaited copies of The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure. Knowing the Finns, there are probably stampedes at the libraries and brawls in the bookstores. The book has a different publisher…

Madame Gilflurt’s Excerpt from The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure
Madame Gilflurt’s Excerpt from The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure

Madame Gilflurt’s Excerpt from The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure

We have noted the popular fascination with Catherine the Great. While the Russian Empress may be among the trendier rulers from this period, historian Catherine Curzon points out that the Georgian era (1914-1837) was rife with “unique, eccentric and flamboyant monarchs.”…