Boston, Mass – The twins will have a total of 30-something days of in-school school this year. And they are going to spend three of those days taking standardized tests. Really? (Those of us who have been overhearing 5th-grade homeschooling…

Boston, Mass – The twins will have a total of 30-something days of in-school school this year. And they are going to spend three of those days taking standardized tests. Really? (Those of us who have been overhearing 5th-grade homeschooling…
Somerville, Mass – We’re going back to school! A real school, in a building! I didn’t think it would happen, but these two kiddos are finishing out 5th grade IN PERSON. (Not the professor, he’s been in person the whole…
Somerville, Mass – The twins have been studying poetry in 3rd grade, inspired by Mattie Stepanek’s Heartsong poems. Today, the school invited the families into the classrooms to hear the kids recite their own poems. I was tickled that V…
Somerville, Mass – Twin S did a special research project with his class. The teacher assigned each student a dinosaur to research and present their findings at the special event “Jurassic Park”. S was assigned Rhamphorhynchus. Seriously? I can’t even…
Somerville, Mass – V’s class is doing a world landmarks project. Each kid chose a landmark building or geographical feature to learn about and create a model of. For some reason, V decided he might choose Machu Picchu for his…
Somerville, Mass – It’s always a treat to connect with like-minded mums. Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Kathy Dalton, the founder, writer, editor and `Chief of Everything’ at Go Adventure Mom. This is a fantastic website that’s…
Somerville, Mass–Some time last year, long before this election cycle had reached its fevered pitch, the twins’ school commenced a community art project entitled In Full Bloom. Local mosaic artist David Fichter directed the project, which included every student, as well as parents…
Somerville, Mass – While riding the bus this week, Twin V noticed that somebody had etched a name into the window pane. “Why would anybody write on the window?” he demanded accusingly. “That’s not right.” I nodded in agreement. Then…
Somerville, Mass – Last night, we were psyching the twins up about their first day of kindergarten. Daddio enthused (or was it lamented) that he had to go to school too. Twin S said hopefully “Didn’t you know that I cancelled school?”…
Somerville, Mass – Question: When is going to school like a trip around the world? Answer: When it’s Heritage Night This event was organized by the PTA and the arts council at the twins’ school. The tag line was…